giovedì 11 ottobre 2012

"Io sono un ispettore di Polizia e Lei non è nessuno."

Pochi giorni fa avevo espresso tutte le mie perplessità sul comportamento della Polizia italiana che secondo l'ANSA avrebbe "trascinato per terra, picchiato e minacciato con un manganello puntato alla gola" alcuni studenti delle scuole superiori scesi in piazza a chiedere un cambiamento. Ma in Italia non c'è limite al peggio,  come insegna un dirigente del PDL, Antonio Piazza, che aveva parcheggiato abusivamente la sua roboante Jaguar nel posto destinato ai disabili e quando questi avevano segnalato il tutto ai vigili urbani ha pensato bene di bucare le gomme al vero disabile. FolliaImpensabile se non fosse che la notizia viene riportata da Repubblica. Torniamo ai fatti di oggi. Guardate questo filmato che mette in relazione la Polizia Italiana con un bambino di soli 10 anni. Un filmato che si commenta da solo e che per fortuna è finito in primo piano su tutti i quotidiani nazionali. Della serie come creare un trauma ad un bambino. Gran finale: "IO SONO UN ISPETTORE DI POLIZIA E LEI NON è NESSUNO". Lo raccontava bene Alberto Sordi in quel capolavoro del "Il marchese del Grillo": « Ah... me dispiace, ma io so' io... e voi non siete un cazzo! » 

«Anni di lavoro per affermare i diritti universali dei minori buttati al vento proprio da quanti sono preposti al controllo della loro applicazione». È il commento del sociologo Antonio Marziale, presidente dell'Osservatorio sui Diritti dei Minori e consulente della Commissione parlamentare per l'Infanzia, riguardo il filmato qui riportato.

lunedì 8 ottobre 2012

A concave hillside as an "open parliament".

Pnyx: The venue of the Ancient Athenian Democratic Assembly
Might be usefully to import into modern democracies the idea of a concave hillside as an "open parliament". Not a palace full of intrigues but down to the earth (inclement weather? it is life). It gives the idea of a direct democracy. Now the Parliaments are too distant from the people and very often for example all around the world they vote exorbitant military spendings that people would not want. What I want to say is that possibly in Athens we would not have had a movement as "Occupy the Pynx" as it was already occupied by the people.

domenica 7 ottobre 2012

Arcadia, a myth or a reality?

Thomas Cole, Dream of Arcadia, 1838. Denver Art Museum.
Let me completely disagree with the idea that 'Arcadia remains an imaginary country' ('Myth of Arcadia' by Susan E. Alcock in Cambridge Illustrated History - Ancient Greece by P. Cartledge) In particular in that article written by Susan E. Alcock it is written that, according to a noted botanist Oliver Rakham, 'land has gone to the bad since classical times'. Stop, stop, stop. It has gone to the bad from which point of view?! Are we judging the hard life of a shepherd dressed in rags with the point of view of a literate citizen of Athens or Cambridge? This is homogenizing and, at this point, I would consider better the ideas of the Physiocrats. The fact that Arcadia was one of the major suppliers of Greek mercenaries seems to oblige us to deal with an 'impoverished region of Greece'. But also the literate citizens of the evolved Sparta and Athens were continually forced to fight (not as mercenaries, ma it doesn't matter, as in war more or less we are all the same) if they wanted to survive! So they were all miserable, according to this point of view! You will accuse me: I don't want to accept 'its harsher, grimmer face'. Of course you are right if you use representations as Thomas Cole's paintings. It is time to check our sources, Pausanias' Guide to Greece and Strabo's Geography.

Policing in Athens: the first testimony of abuse of power?

A few days ago, I was angry for this picture and for the fact that the main Italian news agency ANSA reported the news that young students of high schools in Rome, who claimed for a change, were "dragged on the ground by the police, beaten and threatened with a baton pointing to the throat". The quality of relationship between police and citizens is important to understand if we are in front of a mature democracy.

sabato 6 ottobre 2012

My rebellion, all luggage and airline tickets.

Me flying in Cornwall, August 2012.
I am writing alfresco from the garden of a semi-detached house in a green village just outside Cambridge. I blew 33 years few days ago. I left my country with no regrets by one of many Mayflower crossing the English Channel with many young dreamers, "Puritans", rebels fleeing Catholic Italy.
