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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Cambridge. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 27 luglio 2018

In memory of Ms Paula Kessler

Paula Kessler, her smile (image by Jack’s Appeal).  
There are people, call them giants, who are magically capable to inspire us and lift our spirit only with their light presence and genuine smile. Ms Paula Kessler was that sort of colorful butterfly representing all the best of this life. 

I have decided to write few lines about Paula simply because perhaps one day her 'boys' will search for her and once again they will find a sign of her presence and Love. The same Love that she used to deliver where she worked in the University of Cambridge. How proud they have to be of their amazing mum for all their life. And she was proud of them too.

A lady not only into good English manners but even a hard worker passionate about life; when I asked her if her vacuum cleaner 'Dyson v6' was really making the difference when it comes to cleaning, I (Made in Italy!) simply ended the conversation purchasing two, one for me and one that was sent to my mum in Italy. She knew she was right and she enchanted me. 
Yesterday, when I was hit by the sudden and tragic news, I searched about her and found out something we hadn't shared during our quick chats in the early mornings: we had attended the same parkruns in Cambridge. With 150 parkruns she was a magnificent runner with the difference that, while I tend to run more to burn calories and boost my Ego, Paula even supported Charities following the English way. 

I found a quote that in my opinion truly represents Paula's life and her moral values. "Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love" (Mother Teresa). Thank you Paula.

sabato 23 dicembre 2017

Why adding radar capabilities to the SKA would be a force multiplication

From the Battle of Britain to the one for Earth. From the Alexanders to an 'Alexandra' and her prophecies. Why adding radar capabilities to the SKA would be a force multiplication. If only all antennas would be equipped with radar transmitters..

A Royal Observer Corps spotter on a rooftop scans the skies of London during the Battle of Britain (1940). In the background, the undamaged St Paul's Cathedral surrounded by smoke and bombed-out buildings.

Historia est Magistra Vitae. If History is life's teacher, this means that the study of the Battle of Britain should serve as a lesson to the future. When the time came, research funds were allocated and the Radar (acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging) and Dowding system won the Battle of Britain, defeating the much larger Luftwaffe forces. Not only a test of our moral strengths but even of technological superiority, where the best technology could track larger numbers of aircraft with a higher degree of accuracy and direct interceptors to them.
"The Battle of Britain might never have been won… if it were not for the radar chain." Sir William Sholto Douglas (1893-1969), Marshal of the Royal Air Force.
Now, behind every best technology very often there is a good physicist and Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt (1892-1973), direct descendent of James Watt who had invented the condensing steam engine, is considered to be the father and its pioneer. 

Coming to the present day, another Alexander, Prof. Paul Alexander, is working on the delicate algorithm of The Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the world’s largest radio telescope, with eventually over a square kilometre of collecting area. 

Now, it appears as we don't really like impact events due to their physical consequences. We don't like a fist in the face in a pub while drinking an Aspall cider as the impacts of objects dropped during the Blitz. The Nazism had a one-way trajectory impacting with London's values but it may be not alone in the history. 

This time in the background, an artist’s impression of the interstellar asteroid "Oumuamua"
1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua) was a fast-moving interstellar 400-meter long asteroid, rocky or with high metal content. The visitor came from outside our solar system and its surface was dark and reddened just to appear more sinister. Never been gravitationally bound to the Solar System, that object again imposed its one-way trajectory.

This is the reason why I strongly believe that SKA, one of the largest scientific endeavours in history, should become even the Earth's radar and finally implement a real planetary defence.
We need an Earth's radar to detect the possibility and warn of potential asteroid or comet impacts with Earth, and then either prevent them or mitigate their possible effects. 

The fact that no known asteroid poses a significant risk of impact with Earth over the next 100 years doesn't mean that we can postpone the lesson from the Battle of Britain. Impact craters are dominant and evident landforms on many of the Solar System's solid objects and it is worth to remind that in 2004 an asteroid (99942 Apophis) caused a period of concern because initial observations indicated a probability of up to 2.7% that it would hit Earth. Another object, Chelyabinsk meteor saw almost 1,500 people being injured in 2013. Not to mention that a substantial number of potential targets are not being monitored.
Imke de Pater, Professor at the University of California in Berkeley and acting on this article as an 'Alexandra' (Cassandra), wrote: "I further strongly urge to add radar capabilities, since SKA can improve substantially on imaging of asteroids and cometary's halo. SKA is roughly a factor of 100 more sensitive than existing telescopes. If all antennas would be equipped with radar transmitters to a total of 10 or 100 MW, radar observations with SKA could be several times more sensitive than can be achieved with Arecibo nowadays.

martedì 12 gennaio 2016

Learning Italian in Cambridge and Cambridgeshire.

A man speaking a language is a man; a man who speaks two languages ​​is worth two men; a man who speaks three is all humanity. So, why don't you learn a new language? Learn a new language and you will have a new soul. You don't live in a country, you live in a language. Italian lesson is like a nice walk in Italy, una passeggiata. Jump into Italy every week and fully immerse yourself in the culture of one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

sabato 10 ottobre 2015

sabato 22 marzo 2014

Scoperto a Cambridge il più antico sistema romano di irrigazione in Gran Bretagna.

I letti di terra si crede venissero utilizzati per la coltivazione di asparagi e uva.
La notizia, rimbalzata dalla BBC, è di quelle forti e trovandomi a Cambridge non posso che gioirne maggiormente. Proprio a Cambridge è stato scoperto quello che gli archeologi credono il più antico sistema romano di irrigazione in Gran Bretagna. Guardate voi stessi questa immagine. Il team dell'Università di Cambridge che ha lavorato alacremente nel sito, ha datato i reperti tra il 70 d.C. e il 120 d.C. (dopo Cristo). Porca miseria che scoperta, speriamo che la facciano anche i quotidiani italiani visto che la notizia stenta a decollare in Italia. Durante i periodi di siccità l'acqua sarebbe stata pompata dai pozzi nelle canalette per irrigare le colture. La scoperta si considera eccezionale per la portata, chiaramente visibile dalla immagine riportata, che vede i letti di terra disposti in parallelo e lungo un pendio creando una tramatura d'irrigazione dal valore storico inequivocabile. Questa attestazione rimanda quindi alla sofisticata conoscenza dell'idrologia che i Romani avevano e alla loro introduzione dell'orticoltura. Il terreno su quale è stata fatta la scoperta, 150 ettari tra Huntingdon Road, Madingley Road and l'autostrada M11, è per uno scherzo del destino proprietà della stessa Università di Cambridge che si appresta a costruirvi residenze studentesche e strutture per la ricerca. Proprio vero, quando si investe nella ricerca si è già fatta una scoperta.

domenica 17 novembre 2013

Cambridge, where have all the beefs gone?

Beefs graze on the Midsummer Common in Cambridge.
Midsummer Common has provided grazing for animals since at least the 12th century. Grazing from 1st April to 30th November in each year. The word graze is related to the word "grass". In fact we are all in dept with that wonderful beefs. The grass is kept low and we can all have fun in that park close to the River Cam. They are a popular attraction - artists have been sketching them and children have been chasing after them. The problem started when I wondered where all the beefs have gone. Sadly, the tale is over. I saw on the Cambridge News the following advertising: "It has been a good summer and the cattle have done well on Midsummer Common and Grantchester Meadows. There is your chance to stock up for the winter, have some locally grass fed beef at home, whenever you want it." So, we use them and when have done their job, we eat them. You walk past these beefs and they look wonderful and then you see that you can buy their meat. It's not very nice is it?"

sabato 24 agosto 2013

How Fiat 500 matches the English style.

I took this picture in UK, an example of how Fiat 500 matches the English style.
Every day, I can see more and more Fiat 500 all around UK. A little Italy parked in your driveway that is able to match perfectly the English style. 

New Fiat 500 rages in the United Kingdom and the United States, where it is one of the most popular "city car". In the streets of the British capital is now as popular as the new Mini. But the charm of this legendary little car, re-invented by Fiat without abandoning the traditional system, it also extends to the "old 500", the so called "Il Cinquino", as it was called in Italy during the tumultuous years of the economic boom to the point that in England, auctions of vintage cars and offerings of retailers specialized reach astronomical figures, usually typical of a completely different cars. A confirmation of the trend, the Classic Driver UK site offers a sample of the Fiat 500 of 1959, restored by Graeme Hunt of London, a specialist in auto repair antiques, at a price in pounds equivalent to more than 40 thousand euro .
Who has an old " Cinquino " abandoned in a garage must realize that, beyond the affection, the little car may be more like a treasure. At least in London, a city that knows how to appreciate the tradition at least as much appreciates innovation.

sabato 6 ottobre 2012

My rebellion, all luggage and airline tickets.

Me flying in Cornwall, August 2012.
I am writing alfresco from the garden of a semi-detached house in a green village just outside Cambridge. I blew 33 years few days ago. I left my country with no regrets by one of many Mayflower crossing the English Channel with many young dreamers, "Puritans", rebels fleeing Catholic Italy.

sabato 22 settembre 2012

Il mio carro di fuoco corre ancora.

Chariots of Fire è un indimenticabile film inglese del 1981 con le eccezionali musiche di Vangelis. Una icona per un corridore.
Ieri sera volevo rilassarmi ed il destino invece mi ha messo di fronte al film Chariots of Fire in cui tra l'altro compare il Gonville e Caius College nella cui Hall ho fatto il cameriere per qualche mese. La mattina seguente, oggi, fatalità avevo una gara di corsa.

lunedì 6 agosto 2012

Bevi tu che dopo ti bevo io.

"Fiordilatte", manifesta l'intenzione di abbeverarsi sul Cam.
Non avevo mai visto una mucca inginocchiarsi per abbeverarsi. Mentre beveva, le guardavo avidamente le mammelle gonfie di latte e pensavo. Bevi serena, che domani mattina a colazione bevo il tuo latte con i biscotti. You drink, we drink. Questi sono i miei pensieri in temi di crisi in un pomeriggio soleggiato lungo il fiume Cam (Cambridge UK) nel tratto che preferisco oltre la Bottisham Lock.

venerdì 13 luglio 2012

La mia ribellione, tutta valigie e biglietti aerei.

Ho scattato questa foto nella Holkham Hall (UK) e l'ho scelta a rappresentare questa lettera.

Scrivo al fresco dal giardino di una semi-detached, in un verdeggiante villaggio nella cintura di Cambridge. Pochi giorni e soffio 33 anni. Me ne sono andato senza rimpianti su uno dei tanti Mayflower  che attraversano la Manica facendo sognare tanti giovani "puritani", ribelli in fuga dall'Italia cattolica.

lunedì 2 luglio 2012

Prima della partita non avevo la lacrima di Pierrot.

Alberto Sciretti 01/07/2012 prima della partita Italia-Spagna

Alcune foto prima della partita di un guerriero italiano pronto ad una notte interminabile di baldoria. Arrivato in taxi (per le grandi occasioni) al The Avery (pub di Cambridge) ed unitosi ad una consolidata curva composta da trentini, pugliesi, sardi, abruzzesi, e chi piú ne ha ne metta, lentamente sul viso del guerriero é comparsa una persistente lacrima di Pierrot. "Notti magiche inseguendo un goal" un'altra volta. Ritorno mesto al lavandino di casa.

domenica 1 luglio 2012

Italia vola.

Anni anni '80? Si volava.
Per Italia-Germania ho perso la voce. Un pub a Cambridge, The Avery, si e trasformato nella curva incallita di un qualsiasi stadio italiano anche grazie al mio contributo.

giovedì 3 maggio 2012

Mr. Asbo, la storia triste di un cigno che diventa ogni giorno piú aggressivo e addirittura potenzialmente letale sui quotidiani inglesi.

Mr. Asbo, il cigno che gli inglesi definiscono potenzialmente "letale".
Qui Cambridge é nato un mostro nel fiume. Altro che Nessie. Soprannominato Mr. Asbo, giusto per marchiarlo in modo indelebile con l'idea dell' "Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO)", questo cigno é diventato talmente molesto, secondo gli accusatori e le immagini che riporto, da aver scomodato perfino i quotidiani inglesi a tiratura nazionale.

Dal Daily Mail che lo epiteta come il cigno piú aggressivo d'Inghilterra in un articolo "Mr Asbo is on the move: Britain's most aggressive swan is transferred to secret location to protect river users" al The Telegraph che parla di un cigno violento nell'articolo "Violent swan Mr Asbo finally removed from Cambridge river after attacks on rowers" per finire alla BBC "Mr Asbo the swan moved from River Cam for safety of rowers". In questi anni questo maestoso esemplare si é guadagnato fior fiore di attenzione da parte dei quotidiani inglesi che, in una escalation di paura ed isteria collettiva, sono arrivati a dare voce a chi lo definisce "lethal", letale. In tal senso non dimenticheró mai quella mattina in cui mi sono trovato il Cambridge News tra le mani che titolava a prima pagina "Lethal swan could kill say concerned rowers". Lo stesso cigno si guadagnó fama internazionale, quando nel 2010 i canottieri di Cambridge chiesero alla regina Elisabetta il permesso di ucciderlo, come riporta l'ANSA nell'articolo "Cigno violento, canottieri: uccidiamolo". La Regina é tradizionalmente proprietaria di tutti i cigni del regno. Il cigno é stato in questi giorni quindi definitivamente allontanato con tutta la sua famiglia in quanto la sua permanenza era diventata incompatibile con la lobby dei vogatori che si allenano lungo il Cam. Cosa dire? Ho appena scritto sull'articolo del Cambridge News il mio commento sarcastico "You speak about an aggressive and lethal swan who did ‘drone-style attack’.  Are we speaking about the Loch Ness Monster? The legendary monster has been affectionately referred to by the nickname Nessie (Asbo?)". Questo perché ora piú che mai sto dalla parte della natura. Penso che il primo passo che compie l'uomo anche inconsciamente prima di distruggere la natura é di accusarla di mettere in pericolo la nostra vita. Per questa ragione abbiamo sterminato i lupi e gli orsi dai nostri appennini. Ci sono rimasti i cigni.  Il primo passo é stato dunque quello di affibiargli l'epiteto di ASBO. Secondariamente, vista la notorietá, impavidi coraggiosi si saranno prodigati nel provocarlo per vederne  la reazione. La stoccata finale l'ha tirata Bill Key, presidente dell'associazione vogatori del Cambridgeshire, che ha dichiarato "The swan is definitely the worse it has ever been. It’s not a logical bird. There is something missing in its brain." Il cigno che difende il suo territorio ed i suoi piccoli diventa illogico e fuori di testa.  Non importa se il cigno ha visto i propri piccoli uccisi dai remi dei giovani studenti che in preda all'elitismo ormonale della competizione non possono fermare la propria imbarcazione veloce che li  travolge uccidendoli. Non importa se lo stesso cigno é stato piú volte ferito. Nell' eterna battaglia tra uomo e natura, é quest'ultima che deve soccombere.

Mr ASBO attacca ogni barca che si avvicina troppo e insegue barche a motore e canoe.

Mr. Asbo prepara l'attacco a difesa dei suoi piccoli.

Mr. Asbo successivamente all'attacco. 

In questa immagine si evince chiaramente come il cigno, Mr. Asbo, abbia una intolleranza verso le imbarcazioni veloci da voga in grado di travolgere mortalmente i suoi piccoli.

L'attacco di una oca.

sabato 7 aprile 2012



The Oxford crew look on as a man (Trenton Oldfiled) swims in the water and disrupts the Xchanging University Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge University on the River Thames
This part of the River Thames is very well known to me having previously worked in the area. I have continued to visit it as often as possible as it is one of the London reaches I became most fond of, mostly because of its unregulated Wooded Tow Path, the expansive foreshore at low tides and the wildlife habitats in the adjacent Leg of Mutton Reservoir. It is a beautiful place, one of the more serene spots in London. Best to visit when it has been dry for a few days as the path can be very muddy and puddled.
Setting aside the compelling natural environment for a moment, this reach is also the site of a number of past and present elitist establishments; Fulham Palace, Chiswick House and St Paul’s Schools and a large collection of other ‘independent/public/free schools’. It is also where Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minster of the Government lives with his family, despite his constituents living hundreds of miles away in post-industrial Sheffield. Most notably and most importantly for today, it is a site where elitists and those with elitist sympathies have come together every year but one for the last 158 years to perform, in the most public way, their ambition for the structures and subsequent benefits from elitism and privilege to continue. (They even list in the programme which public school the rowers attended before Oxford or Cambridge)
The boat race itself, with its pseudo competition, assembled around similar principles of fastest, strongest, selected ...etc, is an inconsequential backdrop for these elite educational institutions to demonstrate themselves, reboot their shared culture together in the public realm. It is also inconsequential to the performance that the overwhelming majority of the population continue to remain interested in their own lives and disinterested in the boat race. The boat race, while accessible to everyone, isn’t really advertised or promoted as something for the general public to attend, you know when it’s on because it is part of the social networking calendar. This is a public event, for and by the elites with broader social relations aims. The fact that it happens in the public realm (visible) almost exactly as it has done for the last 158 years also becomes important; the untouched; the unchanged is significant. Most standing alongside the Thames today are in fact the pumped-up though obedient administrators, managers, promoters, politicians and enforcers; functional, strategic and aspirational elites. The transnational-corpo-aristocratic ruling class (invisible) haven’t turned up today and would never consider doing so, despite the best endeavours of Bollinger, Xchange and Hammersmith & Fulham’s mayor.

Trenton Oldfiled
When hasn’t elitism lead to tyranny? When hasn’t the belief of being ‘more’ than another person led to tragedy? Who benefits from elitism? One won’t be surprised to learn the etymology of the word ‘elite’ derives from ‘the elected’ ... unfortunately not elected by democratic means, but rather, elected by god. Yup...‘elected’, ‘selected’, ‘chosen’ ... by god ... inherited. When has this understanding of oneself or by a group of people ever been a good thing? When has this understanding not resulted in tyranny? Is tyranny surely not the inevitable outcome? And in contrast, when hasn’t the pursuit of equality, not resulted in these long passages of tyranny being overcome, even if temporarily?
Everyone will remember some of their history lessons ... where people have been taken advantage of by people that believe themselves somehow better, more entitled than another individual or group of people. Most recently this has included the enclosure and eviction from the commons, transatlantic slavery, imperialism and colonialism, fascism, holocausts, genocides and dictatorships and migrant labour camps. It is difficult to grasp, as many of us are still heady and have strong memories of the previous ‘boom’ decade, but we are in the middle of the early stages ... or we have just about reached the precipice of another era of mass enslavement and the large scale enclosure of ‘Our Public’. What is happening in the UK, for example, is not ‘privatisation’ but a contemporary demonstration of full scale enclosure of Our Public. Couldn’t happen again ... why not? Why wouldn’t something different but similar happen again? What policies, what institutions, exist to prevent something similar from happening again? What evidence is there that this isn’t happening? When did Our Public last experience an injection of its own readily available dose of agency and liberty?
To enclose and to enslave requires the audacity, cunning and daring to take advantage of our natural kindness, our belief in others, our respect for authority, our desire to please, and our apprehension about ‘causing waves’, our hope for all to have a better life, somehow. It also depends on our disbelief, despite having experienced it, that other people would purposefully set out to harm us for their own advantage. More recently we have also been encouraged, though the evidence displays the opposite much of the time, that a whole raft of institutions exists that work to prevent human catastrophes like our right to protest being denied, detention without trial or charge, the monopolisation of industries, and essentials like food and water. These institutions were established to prevent slavery, genocide, indentured labour and groupings of indices of deprivation and poverty from occurring. It is likely many in the western Baby Boomers generation (large percentage of the UK population), who have benefited so much from these institutions, are finding it very difficult to consider that these institutions might now be turning against them, their children and their grandchildren?
Could what is happening in the UK (and around the world); the state of exception with Olympics, the wholesale removal of countless civil rights, the project to create fear and suspicion of others, the transfer of our money into the vaults of a handful of corporations, the ongoing wars, the pomp and ceremony for unelected official anniversaries, the amazingly high unemployment, the devastation to public services such as health and education, the isolation of education due to high fees, the entangled corrupt relationship between the media, police and politicians, the racism, the increasing misogyny, the forced labour in supermarkets, the spying on our emails, skype calls, the control of food production and distribution and the reductions of tax burdens for the richest ... could these all be best understood as the process of enclosure? Do we resist now setting out to avoid something akin to slavery and imperialism? Or do we hesitate and find ourselves and our children without agency once again and in a long battle to gain it again? How long might it take and how many lives might this demand?
There is a concerted effort to disintegrate ideas of Our Public; to atomise and divide us. Only yesterday did a British government minister suggest that citizens should ‘shop’ (dob-in) people they know to be organising or attending a protest related to the forthcoming Olympic Games. Along with the brutality the police and military are prepared to use against organised peaceful protestors, it seems it might be time to employ ‘little war’ / ‘guerrilla tactics’.
My swim into the pathway of the two boats today (I hope) is a result of key guerrilla tactics; local knowledge, ambush, surprise, mobility and speed, detailed information and decisiveness. There is no choice but to be apprehended in this action. I know this area very well and have planned the swim as best as I can, taking into account all the local knowledge I have gained over the years. Guerrilla tactics could be summarised as; ‘preparation, creativity, daring and attrition’.The aim of employing these tactics is to shift from being a ‘victim’ ... of having things done to one, to being the ones setting the agenda, placing elites more and more on the back foot, increasing their costs, causing confusion, fermenting internal mistrust, creating embarrassment (a Tory’s worst nightmare?), frustration and manifesting a vulnerability. This will provide the time and space for an ongoing development of post-elitism, post-capitalist thought and debate.
Our current disorganisation and indirection is an advantage. In the past, guerrilla tactics have been employed by small groups of people. Today there is the opportunity to also undertake this alone, as an individual. Part of my inspiration for today’s action comes from a protest action that took place 99 years ago – when Emily Davison ran into Epson Derby race. On the 4 June 1913 Emily ran into the horse that the king had entered. She died from the injuries sustained from action. She was demanding rights for women. It was an individual act born of a political and philosophical position. This action is also part inspired by the anti-imperialism activists and guerrillas. This includes trans-Atlantic slaves who not only forced their freedom by revolting but undertook tactics of breaking tools, working slowly, acts of sabotage, feigning illness and maintaining their cultures. They found ways to continually undermine the system in small and large ways.
We all need to make a living and sometimes we do this by taking jobs we disagree with or find out are likely to detrimental to our children’s future. Being in these jobs also provides us with a great opportunity to employ civil disobedience and guerrilla tactics. It is the chance to match the personal and the political. Security guards are possibly in the best position. Examples of actions might include:
  • · Setting off Fire Alarms in buildings where we work, perhaps at strategic times, when a particular meeting is meant to happen that will agree the cutting of services, for example? (This action seems morally okay as all the emergency services happily deployed vast numbers to participate in the filming of a Bond movie the other weekend on Whitehall).
  • · If you work in a private company or government department that is helping enclose Our Public perhaps you could work slowly, make mistakes, loose documents, sending large documents to clog up email accounts?
  • · If you are a taxi driver can you take the passenger the slowest possible and most expensive route?
  • · If you are a plumber can you ‘store up’ a problem in the office of a conservative think tank office you have been called to?
  • · If you have a tow truck company can you park in front of Nick Clegg or David Cameron’s driveway, accidentaly? Could you tow their car away?
  • · If you ride a bike and it’s difficult to find somewhere to lock your bike (as bike racks are taken away), can you lock it the one of the corporate bikes which now litter our streets everywhere?
  • · If you clean the bathroom of someone that considers themselves elite or is an elite sympathiser, like a right wing professor, can you never put loo paper in their bathroom?
  • · If you work in a restaurant where elitists eat, can you serve the food once it is cold or cook the wrong food?
  • · If you are a builder repairing the house of an elitist can you also bug it and share the footage and audio online?
  • · If you are a pest controller and you are called to the office or home of an elitist or elitist sympathiser can you fail at destroying the pest and possibly introduce new pests?
  • · Can you take up the time of a ‘VIP’ you work for by arranging time consuming meetings, asking as many questions as possible? Can you make them late?
  • · If you work in a call centre, can you refund people and find the best discounts?
  • · If you are a student and attend a talk, can you challenge the professors? Can you take the stage and highlight to the audience the work they have done in contrast to academia?
  • · Are there networking events designed for the elites and their sympathisers where you could let off a stink bomb?
  • · If you work in audio-visuals for meetings/conferences could you put up the wrong slides, or turn the correct ones upside down and remove cables, rendering the equipment unusable?
  • · Could you plan your own government or council made up from people you admire and trust – in similar vain to Football Manager and publish it on the internet?
  • · Are there events like today’s boat race that you could do something similar to Emily Davison with? Is this possible in the lead up to and within the Olympics itself?
This is a special call to security guards. The elite depend on you the most. Without you they are nothing.

Trenton Oldfiled

mercoledì 21 marzo 2012

Un inno alla corsa, la vita.

Video girato nel tragitto da casa mia fino al fiume Cam. 

Gli anni passano. Ti stai riposando all'ombra. Ti giunge notizia che un tuo lontano amico corre fottutamente i 10km in 59 minuti. Tu sei fermo, lui corre come una antilope nel tuo paese in bancarotta. Ti desti all'improvviso. Corri all'armadio, indossi velocemente una maglietta e i pantaloncini da combattimento, fissi una camrecorder su una sella per fargli vedere che sei ancora vivo, esci dal cono d'ombra e corri come un leone fendendo l'aria. Corri e senti le ali ai piedi. Dagli gas. Musica su youtube. Un inno alla corsa, la vita. Caro amico mio, the years pass, but I'm still running, along the Cam.

mercoledì 22 febbraio 2012

Qui tira una brutta aria, la crisi te la senti addosso. C’è un’intera generazione con la valigia in mano.

«Qui tira una brutta aria, la crisi te la senti addosso», cosí due giovani veneti in procinto di emigrare in Australia (Fonte Il Gazzettino «Così se ne va dall’Italia e dal Veneto la meglio gioventù, quella che non ne può più delle incrostazioni del Belpaese e dei troppi furbetti del quartierino che campano sulle spalle degli altri. E’ un esodo impressionante, che porta via il sangue fresco del Paese: non solo e non tanto "i giovani", ma soprattutto quelli che tra loro sono pronti a mettersi in gioco, a rischiare, a rimboccarsi le maniche. Se da una piccola città di provincia come Montebelluna sono partiti negli ultimi mesi una ventina di giovani tra i 18 e i trent’anni, come ci confermano all’agenzia locale della Utpull, significa che il passaparola è un fiume in piena e che c’è un’intera generazione con la valigia in mano
Cambridge ad oggi ha visto la piú bassa crescita di richieste di sussidi di disoccupazione (jobseeker's allowance) confermando la migliore performance economica della Gran Bretagna. Meglio di Londra. La popolazione, ben qualificata, beneficia dei motori propulsori dei colleges. Volendomi riqualificare, imparando una volta per tutte la lingua Inglese, decisi per Cambridge anche sulla base di questa previsione. Le cittá universitarie affrontano meglio la crisi. In fuga dalla crisi, sono stato temporaneamente accontentato. 

giovedì 19 gennaio 2012

Call him Mr. Vain.

Mr. Vain. Era il 1993, che spensieratezza. Non ho tempo per postare, sono in trincea tra una lezione e l'altra. Ci si mette anche il lavoro a prosciugarmi le forze. Il mio inglese sta migliorando. Gli studenti provengono da tutte le parti del mondo. Non mi sono mai sentito cosí "globalizzato". Grinta.

domenica 8 gennaio 2012

Milton Country Park.

Alberto Sciretti feed the ducks, swans and seagulls at Milton Country Park.

I have taken some pictures of Milton Contry Park.

Newmarket is the historic home of Horseracing and the greatest horseracing centre in the world.

The Devil's Dyke runs past the edge of the July course in Newmarket racecourse

I have done some photos of Newmarket, utterly unique. It is a town with a rich, royal history where the thoroughbred racehorse is king. It is the town where horseracing, the "sport of kings", was born some three and a half centuries ago and from where it was exported around the world.
Alberto Sciretti fly at Newmarket racecourse.
