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martedì 24 luglio 2012

Lavacessi eroi con lauree carta igienica.

Capita a tutti. Ti fermi per quel bisogno fisiologico naturale di espellere. Entri nel bagno dell'Autogrill, decine di persone entrano ed escono freneticamente. Solo una rimane, stoicamente. Il lavacessi ("operatore sanitari"?) che ci da dentro con olio di gomito, per permetterti ancora in futuro quegli istanti di sollievo.

Denmark wake up! You kill your best sled dogs.

Danish sled dogs. They must be euthanized at the end of their career?
Taken from the "Cold Patrol" of National Geographic: "Rasmus knew that Armstrong,  was nearing the end of his career. There's no room at the Sirius base for retired dogs. And the dogs—as much wolf as pet—cannot be adopted. They must be euthanized, an act the patrollers do themselves with a pistol. Both Rasmus and Jesper say it's the most difficult part of the job." Unacceptable. I say, there is nothing that is inevitable and we can change this world. Denmark wake up! You kill your best sled dogs.
